Thursday, September 1, 2011

Sidewalk and Safe Passage Meeting with the City of West Jordan

A meeting has been set up with city managers to discuss options for safe walking routes.  The meeting will be held September 8, 2011 at 3:45 p.m. in the gym at Fox Hollow Elementary.  This will be an informational meeting with ideas being discussed and shared. 

A safe walking route with drop off and pick up procedures were passed out at Back To School night and were sent home to each family in First Day Packets.  Please follow the procedures as outlined in these documents as state law and State Risk Management requires us to follow the procedures outlined in these documents. 

Students will not be allowed to exit off school property on the west side of the property as there are currently no sidewalks on the north side of the road.  All students who are walking must exit school property from the south east corner of the property at the cross walk then proceed down the south side of 8200 S.  Students being picked up near the school should be picked up in the school pick up zone.  

1 comment:

  1. This morning I saw a boy riding his bike to school on the wrong side of the road--very dangerous! Cars were pulling out of the parking lot and there could have been an accident. I hope parents are taking the time to teach the safest way to get to school, riding on the right side and using great caution!
