Monday, June 6, 2011

Fox Hollow Elementary Mission Vision Commitment Statements

Fox Hollow Mission Statement
Improve learning through collaborative experiences, clear learning objectives, and authentic learning opportunities.

Fox Hollow Vision Statement
1.  We believe all students can learn at high levels. 
·      If we are to ensure that all students learn at high levels then we must guarantee fidelity in our classroom instruction and provide quality first time instruction to all students. 
2.  Every teacher, student, and parent is clear on the knowledge skills, and expectations students are expected to acquire in each grade level and unit of instruction. 
·      If we are to be a school where teachers and students are clear on the knowledge, skills, and expectations students must acquire in each grade level and unit of instruction, then we must agree to develop a guaranteed curriculum and commit to implement that curriculum in our classrooms. 
3.  The learning of each student is monitored on a timely basis.  When students experience difficulty, the school has structures in place to provide students with additional time and support for learning. 
·      If we are to be a school that ensures high levels of learning for all students, then we must monitor each student’s learning on a timely basis using a variety of assessment strategies and create systems to ensure they receive additional time and support as soon as they experience difficulty in their learning. 
4.  We support learning through working collaboratively.  Students at this school are every teacher’s responsibility.  
·      If we work collaborative to ensure each student is learning then we celebrate success and find ways to support learning for all students.  We strive for at least one year’s growth for each student. 
5.  We are committed to establishing effective communication. 
·      If we are committed to effective communication then we will post weekly grades in language arts, math, and science on Skyward.  We will make positive contact with parents as well as contact about possible problems in a timely manner. 
6.  The school environment will be respectful, nurturing, welcoming, and safe. 
·      If school is respectful, nurturing, and safe then we will identify, define, and teach the positive character traits of caring, respect, responsibility, integrity, and citizenship. 

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